Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) and Ambiguity Function for Planar Antenna Array with Antenna Radiation Pattern Consideration

Document Type : Original Article


Direction-of-arrival  estimation  is  one  of  the  most  important  tasks  in  adaptive  antenna  array  systems.  In
designing  such  systems,  the  goal  is achieving  the  best  direction  finding  performance  with  minimum  number  of
elements.  For  studying  the  direction-of-arrival  performance  in  antenna  arrays,  the  Cramer-Rao  Lower  Bound
(CRLB) method is a reasonable approach. With accurate signal reception modeling in antenna arrays, one can
be reached out more accurate CRLB performance. Concerning real antenna radiation pattern for every element
of  antenna  array  that  is  achieved  via  electromagnetic  simulation  software  and  inserting  in  the  system  signal
reception model,  CRLB  behavior  analysis  of  a  real  antenna  array  that  perform  direction-of-Arrival  estimation
algorithm can be done. In this paper, the CRLB study of a typical 4-elements GPS antenna array at L1 frequency
band  is  done.  Furthermore,  the  ambiguity  resolution  performance  of  this  antenna  array  with  full  signal
reception modeling is demonstrated. 


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