A Novel Method for Simulation of Sea Clutter and Target for Application in a Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Radar Environment Simulator
In this paper, firstly, a new idea of obtaining the electromagnetic image of large objects has been investigated. Then, the distributed target has been simulated in software and results have been processed to extract 2-dimensional image of the target model. Therefore, for the first time, the simulator gains the capability of distributed targets simulation that is required for the SAR simulator. The next achievement is the simulation of sea clutter that has been simulated for forward-looking radar, with respect to the requirement of SAR to the clutter, for Doppler centroid and Doppler rate extraction and the need for considering sea fluctuations for the first time. The advantage of this method is considering the radar movement in radar raw data. It is because SAR processing algorithms use radar raw data to estimate radar velocity and acceleration. Also, with respect to the motion of sea waves, the clutter has significant bandwidth in the azimuth direction. This property has been used for the application of a new idea whose benefit is reduction of needed points for simulation.
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(2017). A Novel Method for Simulation of Sea Clutter and Target for Application in a Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Radar Environment Simulator. Applied Electromagnetics, 4(1), 9-20.
. "A Novel Method for Simulation of Sea Clutter and Target for Application in a Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Radar Environment Simulator", Applied Electromagnetics, 4, 1, 2017, 9-20.
(2017). 'A Novel Method for Simulation of Sea Clutter and Target for Application in a Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Radar Environment Simulator', Applied Electromagnetics, 4(1), pp. 9-20.
A Novel Method for Simulation of Sea Clutter and Target for Application in a Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Radar Environment Simulator. Applied Electromagnetics, 2017; 4(1): 9-20.