Design and Fabrication of Microstrip Antenna Using Log-Periodic Array for Bandwidth Enhancement with Inset and Proximity Feed


This study deals with a design and implementation of a microstrip patch antenna array that are feeding by Inset
and  Proximity  methods.  Results  showed  that  antenna  would  have  high  frequency  bandwidth  and  better
impedance matching in Inset feeding. Also in Proximity feeding, unwanted radiation vanished because T-shape
connections were eliminated. Simulation and experimental results cleared that antenna in the Proximity method
has  a  smaller  size,  more  gain  and  better  impedance  bandwidth  than  the  Inset  method.  This  paper  chooses
dielectric  material  FR4  with  dielectric  substrate  permittivity  of  4.4  by  h=1.6mm.  Therefore,  operational
frequency  and  input  impedance  are  equal  to  3.03  GHz  and  50  ohm.  Meanwhile,  results  showed  impedance
bandwidth and gain increased from 2.7% and 2dB for single arrays to 27.4% and 8dB for 5 arrays.


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  • Receive Date: 06 November 2017
  • Revise Date: 25 February 2019
  • Accept Date: 19 September 2018
  • Publish Date: 22 October 2016