Frequency Analysis of Pulsed Inductor with Ferrite Core for LPS

Document Type : Original Article




In this paper, we propose a model with frequency-dependent lumped parameters to represent the behavior of laminated ferrite -core inductors that are used in the Local Position System. The total power loss in the inductor consisting of the winding resistance loss and the core loss is modeled by a frequency-dependent equivalent series resistance. The magnetic field distribution in the core is derived from Maxwell's equations for long solenoid. The complex permeability of the ferrite core is introduced in the electromagnetic field equations. The behavior of the inductors showed that the effects due to the resistance in the laminated ferrite core and the turn-to-turn and turn-to-core stray capacitances become significant in different frequency ranges. A critical point in the design of laminated ferrite-core inductors is the evaluation of the inductance behavior versus frequency near 100 KHz and the additional core losses. The purpose of this paper is to explore the behavior of ferrite core inductors and present a circuit model valid at high frequencies.


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  • Receive Date: 02 August 2017
  • Revise Date: 25 February 2019
  • Accept Date: 06 May 2018
  • Publish Date: 20 January 2017