Modeling and Estimation of Corona Losses in Bipolar HVDC Transmission Line Using Finite Element Methods(FEM)

Document Type : Original Article


Corona losses are one of the main issues in the design of HVDC transmission lines. A lot of research has been done in the calculation of corona losses in DC transmission lines in various line voltages. In bipolar transmission lines, positive ions, negative ions and ion-ion particles are produced under the influence of corona. Due to the presence of various particles in the corona, the complexity of the calculations will be higher than unipolar fields. In this article, the bipolar relations governing the field are solved and after calculating the positive and negative load flow density, corona losses are calculated.
In this paper, finite element methods (FEM) have been used to calculate corona losses in a DC high voltage transmission line. Simulations of the FEM method have been performed by ANSYS software. Given that the algorithm provides a lot of calculations in the analysis of the results of simulations and reloading the results in the simulation, then the MATLAB software has been used to analyze the ANSYS outputs. The results obtained in this paper include distribution of electric field strength vectors, electrical flux density, potential and also free loads within the corona range. In addition to the above, corona flow and casualties are the final results of the calculations made in this article.


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Volume 4, Issue 4 - Serial Number 13
February 2016
Pages 37-47
  • Receive Date: 21 February 2018
  • Revise Date: 26 April 2018
  • Accept Date: 20 October 2018
  • Publish Date: 20 January 2017